
Computer Desk

Duel Screen Computer

  Computer and Laptop.

A computer, a device for processing, storing and displaying information.

Computer used to mean a person who performed calculations, but today the term most often refers to an automated electronic machine. The first section of this article focuses on modern digital electronic computers and their designs, components, and applications. The second section deals with the history of computer science. For more information on computer architecture, software, and theory, see Computer Science. Basics of computing
Early computers were primarily used for numerical computations. However, I quickly realized that computers can process universal information because any information can be quantified. The ability to process large amounts of data has increased the range and accuracy of weather forecasts. Its speed allows it to make decisions about routing telephone connections through networks and to control mechanical systems such as automobiles, nuclear reactors, and robotic surgical tools. It's also cheap enough to be built into everyday appliances, making clothes dryers and rice cookers "smart." Computers allow us to ask and answer questions that were previously untrackable. These questions may relate to the DNA sequence of genes, patterns of behavior at convenience stores, or word usage in texts stored in databases. Increasingly, computers can learn and adapt while running.
Computers also have limitations, some of which are theoretical. For example, there are undecidable propositions that cannot be true or false within a certain set of rules, such as the logical structure of a computer. Since there can be no universal algorithmic method for identifying such statements, a computer asked to determine the truth or falsity of such statements will continue indefinitely (unless it is forcibly interrupted). - A condition known as the "halting problem" is known. (See Turing Machines.) Other limits reflect current technology. The human mind is adept at recognizing spatial patterns. For example, it can easily distinguish human faces. However, this is a difficult task for computers, which must process information sequentially rather than grasping details at a glance. Another problem area for computers is natural language interaction. Since normal human communication assumes so much general knowledge and contextual information, researchers have not yet solved the problem of providing relevant information to general-purpose natural language programs.
computer chip. computer. Hand holding a computer chip. Central processing unit (CPU).
analog computer
Analog computers use continuous physical quantities to represent quantitative information.


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